Introducing the Restorative Coalition

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September 18, 2023

The Restorative Coalition: Building a Sustainable Future Together


Introducing the Restorative Coalition


We're excited to introduce the Restorative Coalition, a collective of forward-thinking companies committed to integrating nature restoration into the core of their businesses. The initiative is aimed at healing nature, empowering businesses as agents of change, and building a more sustainable future for all.


How does it work? Corporate partners join the coalition by actively incorporating nature restoration into their business models and by setting ambitious, measurable goals in alignment with the coalition's vision. This enterprise community effort leverages resources, expertise, and innovative strategies to amplify the positive influence of each participating business.


Addressing the Nature Funding Gap


The reason for introducing the Restorative Coalition is simple: the critical nature funding gap. Recent estimates from the World Economic Forum emphasize an urgent need for USD 8.1 trillion between now and 2050 to effectively restore and conserve nature. Regrettably, current funding levels fall far short of this target.


To overcome this challenge, it's imperative that governments, businesses, and organizations join forces and increase investments in nature restoration projects. By bridging the funding gap, we can accelerate restoration efforts and safeguard our natural ecosystems.


Harnessing the Power of Nature-Based Solutions


Nature-based solutions offer a comprehensive and sustainable approach to healing our environment. These solutions tap into nature's inherent power to address a wide array of environmental challenges. From reforestation and habitat restoration to sustainable agriculture and coastal protection, nature-based solutions yield numerous benefits. They provide cost-effective, long-term answers to combat climate change, enhance biodiversity, improve water quality, and fortify natural resilience. Investing in these solutions not only safeguards our ecosystems but also creates economic opportunities and supports local communities.


Restorative Coalition

Exemplary Restorative Businesses


Let's take a moment to celebrate businesses that are already making a substantial impact. Consider Hopper, which plants two trees for every booking made through their app, or Sutton Place Hotels, who plant 10 trees for every guest that opts out of room service. These businesses exemplify the commitment to integrating nature restoration into their operations, inspiring others to follow suit.


veritree is proud to welcome a strong contingent of founding members to the Restorative Coalition including 1 Hotels, Andrew Peller Limited, Black Rock Resort, Bunq, Camp Candle Co., Ecodrive, ETS Express, Fairware Promotional Products, Herbaland, Hopper, Karbon Brewing, Leos' Group, Neptune Terminals, Northland Properties, Oak Bay Beach Hotel, Pantree, PebblePost, PCNA, Promosapien, ScalePad, Tealish, Tentstile, tentree, Treecelet, Treecard, Vega, Vitasave, and Vivobarefoot.


Taking a Stand for a Sustainable Future


The time to act is now. Every business has the opportunity to help address the environmental crisis we face. The Restorative Coalition empowers others to go beyond individual efforts and collaborate to achieve collective goals. By leveraging the strength of this group, we amplify our impact, accelerate restoration efforts, and inspire others to join the movement. Together, let's rise to the occasion, make a lasting impact, and ensure the beauty and abundance of nature thrive for generations to come.

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We acknowledge that our company is based on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Coast Salish Nations — xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and səlil̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh).